Heart rate usually refers to the amount of time needed by heart rate per unit time, is generally represented as bpm (beats per minute).
For each individual, the average number of normal heart rate varies depending on when the time to measure the heart rate. Alternatively heart rate according to the amount of oxygen needed by the body at that time.
The pulse rate or heart rate is a significant mark in the medical field that is useful to know the person's health in general.
"In a healthy adult, while resting heart rate is normal it is around 60-100 beats per minute (bpm). If you found a lower heart rate while resting, generally indicates a more efficient heart function and better fitness cardiovascular, "said Edward R. Laskowski, MD, a physical medicine and rehabilitation specialist, as quoted from the Mayo Clinic, Monday (29/3/2010)
There are many factors that affect a person's heart rate, such as physical activity or level of fitness and health of a person, surrounding air temperature, body position (lying down or standing), the level of emotion, body size and the drug is being consumed.
Each person can measure heart rate by checking the pulse at the wrist. Place your index finger and middle finger on the wrist or three fingers on the side of the neck. Feeling the pulse, look at the clock and then count the number of beats for 15 seconds. Results obtained in multiply four, then get your heart rate per minute.
The number of pulses varies, but the pulse is too high or low can indicate a problem in the heart. Consult your doctor if you consistently rate above 100 bpm (tachycardia) or below 60 bpm (bradycardia), especially if accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, shortness of breath or frequent fainting.
To get the maximum heart rate is done by reducing the age from 220. Suppose the age of 30 years, then the maximum amount is 190 bpm.
By doing these simple tests, one can know early on whether or not a normal heartbeat.
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